Solar Installation Gold Coast

Professional Solar Installation on the Gold Coast

CJN Solar provides tailored solar installation to Gold Coast and South East Queensland homeowners. As a trusted provider of solar panels, solar inverters, and solar battery storage solutions, we understand the complexities and nuances of the solar installation process. We take pride in our commitment to quality, customer service, and transparency as we help our clients navigate their journey towards sustainable energy.

The demand for solar energy on the Gold Coast has increased, driven by increased environmental awareness and the clear economic benefits. As a region blessed with abundant sunshine, the Gold Coast presents excellent opportunities for homeowners to harness this natural resource and reduce their reliance on traditional, non-renewable energy sources.

Solar energy reduces carbon footprint and significantly cuts down electricity bills. With our range of solar panel systems, including 5kW, 6.6kW, 10.3kW, 13.2kW, and 20kW, we offer homeowners the flexibility to choose a system that suits their unique needs and contributes to the broader goal of a sustainable future.

Choosing a professional installation for your solar system is crucial for several reasons.

First, safety is paramount. Our team of specialists is trained to handle the installation process safely, ensuring that your system is set up correctly and securely. Secondly, a professionally installed solar system guarantees efficiency. We work with top-tier brands like Trina, Tongwei, Jinko, REC, Phono, Sungro, Goodwe, SolarEdge, Fronius, and SMA, ensuring your solar system performs optimally and provides maximum energy output. Lastly, opting for professional installation assures quality workmanship.

At CJN Solar, we stand by our installations with warranties and offer comprehensive service, maintenance, and repairs. This commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is what sets us apart in the solar industry.

Embarking on your solar journey can seem overwhelming, but with CJN Solar, you’re in safe hands. We’re committed to making renewable energy accessible and beneficial for all, offering personalised, quality-driven solar power solutions tailored to each customer’s unique needs. Trust us to guide you every step of the way as you contribute to a greener Gold Coast.

Solar Installation Gold Coast
the Right Solar Installation Service

Choosing the Right Solar Installation Service

Choosing the right solar installation service can significantly impact your solar energy journey. Therefore, we believe in providing you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.

When selecting a solar installation company, consider their qualifications, certifications, and overall reputation within the industry. A reputable installer should have accreditation from the Clean Energy Council (CEC), ensuring they adhere to industry best practices and are up-to-date with the latest advancements in solar technology. Local expertise is also crucial.

At CJN Solar, we pride ourselves on our deep understanding of the Gold Coast’s unique climate and energy needs. This local knowledge enables us to design and install solar systems that optimise energy production and deliver maximum value to our clients.

Interpreting and comparing solar installation quotes can be challenging. At CJN Solar, we strive to make this process as straightforward as possible. Our quotes clearly outline the costs associated with the solar panels, inverters, and installation services. We also provide information about potential energy savings and return on investment, helping you understand the long-term financial benefits of going solar.

When comparing quotes, ensure you’re comparing like-for-like in terms of equipment quality, warranties, and after-sales service. Remember, the cheapest quote may not necessarily offer the best value in the long run.

The Solar Installation Process Explained

The solar installation journey begins with an initial consultation and site evaluation, where we delve into your energy requirements and assess your property’s suitability for solar energy. This crucial first step thoroughly examines your roof’s orientation, structure, and any shading issues that might impact solar efficiency. Based on this assessment and an understanding of your specific energy needs, we then proceed to design a bespoke solar power system. Our design process meticulously considers the optimal size, placement of solar panels, and the selection of an appropriate inverter to ensure your system maximises energy production tailored to your home’s unique characteristics.

Handling the administrative side of solar installation, such as permits and paperwork, is a breeze with CJN Solar. We take care of grid connection agreements on your behalf, streamlining the process to be as hassle-free as possible. When installation day arrives, our certified installers will efficiently set up your solar system with minimal disruption to your daily life. After installation, we’ll perform comprehensive tests to guarantee that your new solar power system operates flawlessly, marking the beginning of your journey to energy independence and sustainability.

After your solar system is installed, we’ll guide you through the activation process. We also provide monitoring tools, allowing you to track your system’s performance and energy production. Our service doesn’t end once the installation is complete. We offer ongoing support and maintenance, ensuring your system continues to perform optimally for years to come.

We’re committed to providing a seamless solar installation experience. From choosing the right service to understanding the process and costs involved, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Start your solar journey with us today.

best solar company Gold Coast
Solar Installation Costs

Solar Installation Costs and Rebates

At CJN Solar, we aim to provide complete transparency about solar installation costs on the Gold Coast. We understand that affordability is a key factor for homeowners considering solar power, and we’re here to guide you through the various financing options and government incentives available.

Another significant aspect to consider is the potential return on your investment. Typically, the cost recovery period for solar installations falls between 4 and 6 years. However, with anticipated hikes in energy prices by approximately 50% within the next two years, this payback duration could feasibly become shorter.

Solar installation costs can vary depending on factors such as the size of the system, the quality of panels and inverters, and the complexity of the installation. Here’s a general breakdown of estimated costs for popular system sizes on the Gold Coast:

  • 5kW Solar System: The estimated cost is around $6000 after rebates.
  • 6.6kW Solar System: The expected cost lies between $6,000 and $9,000.
  • 10.3kW Solar System: This system size can cost around $9,500 to $12,000.
  • 13.2kW Solar System: The estimated price for this system ranges from $11,000 to $14,000.
  • 20kW Solar System: A typical residential system of this size may cost around $16,000 to $20,000.

The Australian government offers several rebates and incentives to make solar installation more affordable. The Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) incentive can reduce the upfront cost of installing a solar system by around 30-40%. The number of STCs you receive depends on the size of the system and your location within Australia. Other incentives include feed-in tariffs and grants, which further reduce the cost of solar installation.

Installing a Solar System on a Rental Property

If your tenants have requested the installation of solar panels on a rental property, it’s important to be aware that the process involves additional steps to address the interests of both you and your tenants. According to the guidelines provided by the Queensland Government, tenants must seek permission from their landlords before proceeding with the installation. This involves presenting a detailed proposal that outlines the benefits of installing solar panels, such as potential savings on electricity bills and increasing the property’s value. Landlords are encouraged to consider these proposals positively, recognising solar energy’s long-term advantages to their property. Communication and agreement between the tenant and landlord are crucial, as is a clear understanding of who will bear the costs and how the benefits will be shared.

Our team can assist in preparing the necessary documentation and provide advice on the best approach to gain approval for your solar project, ensuring a smooth process for both parties involved.

Installing Solar on Rental Property
Solar Installation challenges

Overcoming Challenges in Solar Installation

Embarking on a solar installation project can sometimes present challenges, but with CJN Solar, you’re in capable hands. We’re committed to delivering custom solutions tailored to your unique needs, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free transition to solar energy.

Potential challenges homeowners might face during solar installation can include limited roof space for solar panels, shading from trees or nearby buildings, complex roof structures or orientations, electrical panel capacity limitations, or local regulations and homeowner association restrictions.

As professional installers, we overcome these challenges by conducting a thorough site assessment to determine the best placement for solar panels, using advanced shading analysis tools to identify potential issues and design solutions, customising solar panel layouts to maximise energy production within limited roof space, upgrading electrical panels or working with local utilities to address capacity limitations, and providing guidance and assistance in navigating local regulations and homeowner association requirements.

For homes with unique challenges or requirements, we provide custom solutions. These can include designing and installing solar systems tailored to the specific needs and constraints of the home, offering a range of solar panel options to accommodate different roof types, orientations, and aesthetic preferences, and incorporating advanced technologies like microinverters or power optimisers to mitigate shading issues, providing battery storage solutions for homes that require backup power or want to maximise self-consumption, and collaborating with architects and builders during the construction phase to seamlessly integrate solar systems into new builds.

Next Steps: Starting Your Solar Installation Project

Your solar installation project is complete in 8 easy steps. To learn more about our installation process, read this dedicated article.



Gather information about solar energy, incentives, and local regulations.


Assess Your Energy Needs

Determine your current energy consumption and future energy goals.


Schedule a Consultation

Contact CJN Solar to schedule a consultation and site assessment.


System Design and Proposal

Your solar installer will design a custom solar system and provide a detailed proposal.


Permits and Paperwork

Your installer will handle the necessary permits and paperwork for the installation.



Your solar system will be installed by professional, and qualified CJN Solar technicians.


Inspection and Interconnection

The system will be inspected and connected to the grid by the utility company.


Monitoring and Maintenance

Enjoy the benefits of solar energy while monitoring system performance and scheduling regular maintenance.

Schedule a Consultation with Our Experts

Ready to take the next step towards a sustainable and cost-effective energy solution? Schedule a consultation with our experts at CJN Solar. We offer personalised advice and quotes for your solar installation project. Contact us today to start your journey towards a greener future.

Solar Installation FAQs

The cost of solar panel installation in the Gold Coast can vary depending on factors such as the size of the system, the quality of panels and inverter, and the complexity of the installation. As of the latest information, a 6.6kW system may range from $6,000 to $9,000, reflecting different offerings from various installers.

In most cases, you do not need council approval to install solar panels in Queensland. However, there may be some exceptions, such as if your property is heritage-listed or located in a specific zoning area. It is always recommended to check with your local council or a qualified solar installer to ensure compliance with any regulations or requirements.

The duration of solar installation can vary depending on factors such as the size of the system, the complexity of the installation, and the availability of the installer. On average, residential solar installations can take anywhere from one to three days to complete.

Installed solar capacity refers to the total amount of solar power generation capacity that has been installed in a specific area or region. It represents the combined capacity of all the solar panels installed in that area and is typically measured in kilowatts (kW) or megawatts (MW).

There are several reasons to install solar panels, including:

  • Cost savings: Solar panels can significantly reduce your electricity bills by generating your own clean energy.
  • Environmental benefits: Solar energy is a renewable and clean source of power, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions.
  • Energy independence: By generating your own electricity, you become less dependent on the grid and potential energy price fluctuations.
  • Government incentives: Many governments offer incentives, such as rebates and feed-in tariffs, to encourage the installation of solar panels.
  • Increased property value: Solar panels can increase the value of your property, making it more attractive to potential buyers.

Solar panels are typically installed on the roof for several reasons:

  • Optimal sunlight exposure: Roofs often receive the most direct sunlight, providing the ideal conditions for solar panel efficiency.
  • Space utilisation: Roofs offer a large, unobstructed area for solar panel installation, maximising the potential power generation.
  • Aesthetics: Placing solar panels on the roof allows for a clean and unobtrusive integration with the overall design of the building.
  • Safety: Installing solar panels on the roof keeps them out of reach and reduces the risk of damage or theft.
  • Wiring convenience: Roof installation allows for easier wiring connections between the solar panels and the electrical system of the building.

Solar panels can be expensive to install due to several factors:

  • Equipment costs: The cost of solar panels, inverters, batteries, and other components can contribute to the overall expense.
  • Installation labour: The installation process requires skilled labour, which adds to the cost.
  • Permitting and inspection fees: Obtaining necessary permits and inspections can involve additional expenses.
  • System design and engineering: Customised system design and engineering may require additional resources and expertise.
  • Grid connection and interconnection costs: Connecting the solar system to the grid may involve fees and additional equipment.
  • Quality and warranties: Higher-quality components and longer warranties can increase the upfront cost but provide better long-term value.